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Advanced People Flow solutions

A great building experience starts with advanced people flow solutions. Building security, access and destination control, infotainment solutions for elevators, and equipment monitoring all play a key role in our people flow solutions.


Building security

KONE Access is a scalable and flexible access control system that seamlessly integrates with your elevator system and building doors for better building security. It improves building security and the building experience by combining user interface devices, system hardware, and access control management software.


People flow

Our destination control system improves people flow with clear guidance, no unnecessary stops, and less crowded elevators. It is part of our advanced people flow solutions and it offers easy integration with KONE Access for complete building security.

KONE Advanced People Flow solutions


Building experience

KONE infotainment and communication solutions help create a better building experience for everyone. In addition to advanced people flow solutions, KONE elevators can show multimedia content, as well as building and safety information that transforms the user experience of your building.



KONE monitoring solutions put critical, real-time equipment information at your fingertips to help you make better-informed decisions and ensure smooth, safe people flow around the clock.

KONE Advanced People Flow solutions

KONE Advanced People Flow solutions

KONE Residential Flow

Check out our newest additions to advanced people flow


KONE information

With KONE information solutions you can share important building information quickly and easily while enhancing the elevator experience for passengers with a wide variety of customizable content.


Elevator music

Redefine the meaning of ‘elevator music’ with tunes to put a spring in the step and create an even richer elevator experience for everyone.


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